Luca Vehr mistakenly believed that fraud, impersonation, and perjury were within his legal rights and without consequence. His actions subjected Google and other platforms to unlawful conduct, including fraud, perjury violations, and cybercrimes, showing a blatant disregard for civil regulations designed to protect businesses and individuals.

Kyle Kerr is a realtor who had to resign from ReMax after a victim of his came forward with allegations of sexual assault. 

Engel & Volkers had severed ties with Kyle Kerr in 2021 when a woman posted a complaint against him online. She alleged that Kyle had sexually assaulted her.

Gulf Brokers thought committing Fraud, Impersonation, and Perjury was within their rights and without consequences. Google and other reputable platforms found themselves subject to egregious acts of fraud perpetrated by Gulf Brokers – someone who had no qualms about violating perjury laws, committing cybercrime, and contravening a slew of civil regulations.

Gulf Brokers mistakenly believed that fraud, impersonation, and perjury were within their legal rights and without consequence. Their actions subjected Google and other platforms to unlawful conduct, including fraud, perjury violations, and cybercrimes, showing a blatant disregard for civil regulations designed to protect businesses and individuals.